A year older.. A year wiser..
Akukah itu??
Yup That's me. I celebrated my birthday on 21 April 2014. Loads of surprises and presents this year from my beloved hubby. Hoho... I knew why... and I guess a few of my friends pun tau kenapa. Tapi... dah orang bagi, kita terima jer lah kan!
Hubby & myself took leave yesterday, Monday 21 April 2014. He told me that he's bringing me somewhere. But I didn't know where he s taking me until we were on the road. Guess what!! He's taking me to JPO! For a shopping spree. Seronoknya... hehe...
Below is the damage for yesterday's shopping.
And a month before that he has already bought me some presents. A Chanel perfume, levi's jeans and top up my MAC items yang dah abis.
Hubby.. even I didn't get anything for my birthday, I will still love you. Your presence will make my life complete. Thanks for being with me.
One Mommy and One Grown Up Boy!
Searching For A Nearly Perfect Life
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Thursday, December 26, 2013
A Superpack Christmas Day
A super duper pack & tiring Xmas day....
Woke up early in the morning for a jog dekat Taman Botani Negara Shah Alam (Bukit Cerakah dulu-dulunya).
First, ingat nak jalan & jog ajer. Tapi bila tengok orang berbasikal..rasa teringin lah pulak. Dah berapa lama tak naik basikal lah katakan. Bicycle can be rented @ the price of RM5.00 or RM10.00 per hour.. depends on the type of bicycle that we wish to ride. Amek yang RM5.00 pun jadilah for a start.
Mula-mula memasing maintain macho... Tanah rata.. best ajer cycling. Dengan angin yang sepoi-sepoi bahasa.. memang superb lah!
Tapi.... bila dah tiba kat kawasan menaik / bukit... tenaga pun dah berkurang... Me and hubby dah start berpeluh-peluh. Matahari pulak dah menampakkan cahaya... Yang maintain macho cuma Rizq ajer coz dia dah biasa cycling everyday. Nak tak nak we all try to make it till the end.. We stopped at a few spots.. tengok map... tengok orang. Sambung lagi cycle. Kenapa tak nampak2 lagi the way out.. last-last sampai lah ke empangan. Fuh lega! Mesti dah nak sampai jalan keluar ni. Waktu tu dah about 45 minutes of cycling. Terjumpa lah pekerja tengah tanam pokok. Hubby Tanya.."dik.. kalau nak keluar ikut jalan mana yer?" Budak tu pun jawab.. "abang kalau nakkeluar kena ikut balik jalan yang abang masuk tadi.."
Huaaarrgghhhhh!! Maksudnya kena berpatah balik. Ingatkan it's a circle!!
Akibatnya.. till today..badan, kaki, tangan..semua still sakit & lenguh lagi...

Balik rumah around noon..all pengsan..except Rizq. Still on-the-go.
Petang hubby & myself visited the spa kat Monterez Club for a body massage... OK sket tapi still terasa sakit a bit here and there...

Malam rasa tak larat nak masak... plan nak makan burger jer. Tetiba plak hubby's aunty & family came to Shah Alam from Kuching. We invited them for a dinner @ Homst Restaurant since memang ada barang yang dia pesan from Hong Kong. Pucuk dicita ulam mendatang..hehe.... Maks rehat hari ni tak payah masak... muahahaha.....
Woke up early in the morning for a jog dekat Taman Botani Negara Shah Alam (Bukit Cerakah dulu-dulunya).
First, ingat nak jalan & jog ajer. Tapi bila tengok orang berbasikal..rasa teringin lah pulak. Dah berapa lama tak naik basikal lah katakan. Bicycle can be rented @ the price of RM5.00 or RM10.00 per hour.. depends on the type of bicycle that we wish to ride. Amek yang RM5.00 pun jadilah for a start.
Mula-mula memasing maintain macho... Tanah rata.. best ajer cycling. Dengan angin yang sepoi-sepoi bahasa.. memang superb lah!
Tapi.... bila dah tiba kat kawasan menaik / bukit... tenaga pun dah berkurang... Me and hubby dah start berpeluh-peluh. Matahari pulak dah menampakkan cahaya... Yang maintain macho cuma Rizq ajer coz dia dah biasa cycling everyday. Nak tak nak we all try to make it till the end.. We stopped at a few spots.. tengok map... tengok orang. Sambung lagi cycle. Kenapa tak nampak2 lagi the way out.. last-last sampai lah ke empangan. Fuh lega! Mesti dah nak sampai jalan keluar ni. Waktu tu dah about 45 minutes of cycling. Terjumpa lah pekerja tengah tanam pokok. Hubby Tanya.."dik.. kalau nak keluar ikut jalan mana yer?" Budak tu pun jawab.. "abang kalau nakkeluar kena ikut balik jalan yang abang masuk tadi.."
Huaaarrgghhhhh!! Maksudnya kena berpatah balik. Ingatkan it's a circle!!
Akibatnya.. till today..badan, kaki, tangan..semua still sakit & lenguh lagi...
Balik rumah around noon..all pengsan..except Rizq. Still on-the-go.
Petang hubby & myself visited the spa kat Monterez Club for a body massage... OK sket tapi still terasa sakit a bit here and there...

Malam rasa tak larat nak masak... plan nak makan burger jer. Tetiba plak hubby's aunty & family came to Shah Alam from Kuching. We invited them for a dinner @ Homst Restaurant since memang ada barang yang dia pesan from Hong Kong. Pucuk dicita ulam mendatang..hehe.... Maks rehat hari ni tak payah masak... muahahaha.....

Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Bye2 2013 Hi 2014
It's coming to the year end....
Too many.. I repeat... too many ups & downs in 2013. But I managed to end it with a very happy episode. Thank you Allah for that. Bersyukur sangat2 Allah makbulkan setiap doa aku. Alhamdulillah.
Dengan bertambahnya tahun.. bertambah lah jugak umur kita kan. I'm not asking much. Just hoping that with the new year coming very soon.. everything will sail smoothly. Quite busy towards the end of the year. But ... who cares...duhhhh...
Bye bye 2013 from all of us..
Too many.. I repeat... too many ups & downs in 2013. But I managed to end it with a very happy episode. Thank you Allah for that. Bersyukur sangat2 Allah makbulkan setiap doa aku. Alhamdulillah.
Dengan bertambahnya tahun.. bertambah lah jugak umur kita kan. I'm not asking much. Just hoping that with the new year coming very soon.. everything will sail smoothly. Quite busy towards the end of the year. But ... who cares...duhhhh...
Bye bye 2013 from all of us..
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
I'm Back...I'm Back.....I'm Back!!
Missing my blog..missing my frens.
Those who read this.. I'm glad to inform that I'm back. There are some reasons of why I had to stop blogging earlier. But it is only for me to know.
But I'm happy now as I can meet my frens again in the blogging world.
Just came back from my HK - Disney trip with my beloved..
Happy to be back.. Happy for everything!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Masak2 Hujung Minggu
Kalo uols nak tau hubby aku ni memang jenis orang yang suka makan. Terutama home-cooked meal. So biasanya xtvt aku hujung minggu selain ke pasar, aku akan masak..masak.. and masak! Menu pulak biasanya hubby yang tentukan. Dia memang pakar bab-bab ni. So selalunya aku jarang lah pening kepala memikirkan apa yang perlu dimasak....
Like last week my menu was this..
Padprik ayam..
I have no specific meu as semua masakan main campak-campak jer....
Friday, March 16, 2012
And never! What a stupid rules for maid to be paid RM700 for one house chores that they do! Even employers are not paid that much for work done in office.
Such an easy money for the maids to earn working in Malaysia. See.. for example myself. Having one boy age 8 who is mostly in school during the day. Should I pay RM700 per month just for the maid to serve him breakfast and lunch because he will be in school from 8a.m. to 10:30a.m. and 12:30p.m. to 7:30p.m.? Crazy.. Stupid!
And the rest of the free time.. the maid will be doing what?? Watch sinetron? Just because I don't pay her the extra RM700 to do the house chores.
So, aku yang balik every day pukul 8 malam ni kena masak, kemas rumah dan basuh baju?????? Think la... please think!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Korang pernah nampak benda ni tak??? Hahaha.. His name is Simsimi. Kalo nak sakit hati.. bawak-bawaklah chat ngan mender nie...
Ayoyo.... last time I was wondering why la people keep queing just to buy some tea or coffee with pearl la.. jelly la.... But yesterday I was in the queue also! Hahahaa.... Bukannya apa. Rasa out of place pulak nanti bila semua orang dok bercakap pasal this drink, but I knew nothing.
From what people say, at the moment yang popular is Chatime and Gong Cha. OK.. Tried that yesterday and it was something different la. But like Mira (Ibu Emir) was saying.. it's just like the teh tarik that we can get at any kedai mamak plus the pearl! Hehehehe....
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